Eevelleās outdoor hydrophobicity and oleophobicity textiles and testing are High-performance fabrics. These properties improve easy care, durability, UV protection, and self-cleaning. To create oil and water-repellent textiles, perfluorinated compounds must be applied to the surface. FOS/PFOA/FC-free finishing is being mostly considered of nanoparticles or microencapsulation to achieve Lotus-Effect repellence (Devan H2O repel and Smartrepel Hydro), 3D hyperbranched dendrimers or hydrocarbon chains (Heiq Barrier, Bionic FinishEco, and OrganoTex), and paraffin (e.g., Repellan ECO 100 and Ecorepel). However, new chemicals and approaches are also being used, such as introducing a nanostructure surface to the material or using materials such as dendrimers, carbon nanotubes, hydrophobins, and sol-gel.

Eevelle has proven to our customers that quality is a full-time commitment. We proudly and entirely devote ourselves to producing the highest-quality products attainable; along with our continuous improvement in tailored quality, Eevelle’s business philosophy is rooted in our commitment to providing creative solutions to meet your highly specialized needs. As an expert in the design and fabrication of technical textile components for the cover industry, Eevelle recognizes the importance of data management and documentation of QC control. This enables Eevelle to deliver defect-free products.